


Pay one membership fee and fly your 12 approaches on our FAA Certificated Advanced Aviation Training Devices anytime in the ensuing 12 months. One, fixed fee for 12 approaches, no matter how long they take!

Never miss an IFR currency deadline again. When we enroll you in the club, we log your currency date and send you an email one month before the deadline, so you can “shoot your six” on time. Pay just one fixed fee that covers you for the entire year.

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Every day, bots fill Aerial Engagement shopping carts with dozens of our products they never intend to buy. The bots do this to create the appearance of depleted inventory, so you will shop at our competitors. This makes it impossible to understand which of our commerce operations are genuine, which of our products are in demand, and whether our pricing is competitive. Thank you for helping us fight fraudulent activity by registering. Read our privacy policy that explains the restrictions placed on the use of your information.

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